Keeping your hearing aids in tip-top shape is the best way to continue being able to hear and experience fewer issues with your hearing. At your first follow-up appointment, ask yourself and your doctor the following questions to see if your hearing aids are working well enough for you.

Go to your follow-up appointment

Obviously, in order to get help from your hearing health professional, you have to actually go to the follow-up appointment. You’ll typically have a follow-up appointment scheduled for four to six weeks after you get your hearing aids. Go to it, and go to it with the following questions in mind.

Are your hearing aids working?

Keep track of how well your hearing aids are working throughout the months following the first appointment. If you are experiencing any issues, let your hearing professional know! They’ll be able to help you figure out what the problem is. If you’re still having a problem hearing that could be a sign you don’t have a strong enough hearing aid for your hearing problem.

Do you need different hearing aids?

Sometimes, the hearing aids you have just aren’t working for you. They don’t fit right, they’re the wrong type, or they just plain aren’t working for you. Your hearing health professional will be able to help you determine what type of hearing aid you are in need of for future use. Maybe you’ll have to switch the type entirely, or maybe there’s just a hearing aid issue.

Where to go from there

Once you have determined that you hearing aids are good or not great, figure out what the next steps are. Will you have to come back in a few months to ensure the new ones are working? Or will you just have to wait a year? Figure out what the next steps are from your hearing professional.

In all, making sure that your hearing aids are working for you is extremely important. Your hearing health professional is there for you to make sure the hearing aids you have are working well for you. They never want you to be uncomfortable or frustrated, so just ask and they’ll be happy to help. Keeping up with regular check ups with your hearing provider will ensure a healthy and working hearing aid.