When it comes to your hearing aids the proper care should be taken because they are delicate pieces of highly advanced technology. While they are built to be worn daily, they do require some special maintenance and care. So what can you do to properly care for your hearing aids?

  • Clean daily: First and foremost, remember to clean your hearing aids daily. This means that after every use you should wipe down your hearing aids and place them in the storage case in a safe spot. You must remember to make this a part of your daily routine because not properly cleaning your hearing aid can lead to blockages and wax buildup in the hearing aid, which can cause the device to malfunction. If you are unsure or forget how to properly clean your hearing aids, consult with your hearing health professional for a refresher course on proper cleaning techniques.
  • Keep away from moisture: This may seem obvious, but can be easily neglected. Since you wear your hearing aids all of the time it can be easy to forget that they are in your ears when you go to take a shower or bath. Moisture is a hearing aid killer; this includes all types of moisture including rain, snow and steam, along with the shower and hot tub or bath. Always be sure to remove your hearing aids and place them in a safe location away from the moisture.
  • Be gentle: This may also seem obvious, but with how small many hearing aids are it can be easy to accidentally crack a tube or break the battery compartment door unintentionally. Show care when inserting and removing your hearing aids to ensure they remain in optimal shape and you get the best listening experience.
  • Schedule regular checkups: It is important to schedule regular checkups with your hearing health provider to confirm your hearing aids are running properly and to also make sure your hearing hasn’t changed. This is a visit for both you and your hearing health professional to check in on each other and the performance of your hearing aids and the care you have been giving them. It also helps the hearing health professional to remain up-to-date on your hearing aids and your hearing so if something does happen in the future your hearing health professional is well prepared.

Understanding how to properly care for and maintain your hearing aids will help keep them in the best shape and possibly avoid any unwanted repairs. If you have any questions regarding the cleaning of your hearing devices, don’t hesitate to contact your hearing care specialist to verify the proper method.