When it comes to hearing loss and hearing aids, many people are unfamiliar with the process of obtaining them. Because there are a plethora of options and styles out there, it’s crucial to find the right hearing care professional to help you through the process.

The first step to correcting an auditory deficit is the hearing test. Next, with your hearing specialist’s help, you select hearing aids. Once they are delivered the hearing provider will ensure it’s correctly programmed and will teach you how to acclimate to its use. This is the purpose of a fitting appointment.

If this is your first hearing aid, then you may feel apprehensive about how to use and care for the devices. However, it is the purpose of the fitting appointment to allay these fears and help you become a confident hearing aid user. After the fitting, you will have a good grasp of the basics and know who to contact with further questions.

Along with attending to the practicalities of hearing aids such as programming the device, the hearing specialist will explain the following during your fitting appointment:

  • The best way to get used to a hearing device: After years of not hearing, many people find background noise distracting and uncomfortable. The hearing provider will suggest strategies to help you acclimate, so you become a confident user is different hearing soundscapes.
  • How to adjust the volume and select different programs: You’ll learn how to come to grips with basic controls such as volume adjustments and switching channels.
  • How advanced features such as the telecoil work: For devices with additional features, the hearing health professional will ensure you become familiar with each special feature.
  • How to use accessories such as remote controls: Your device may be Bluetooth enabled or have a remote control to discretely change settings. Unlike buying a stereo where you learn what to do at home, the hearing practitioner will walk you through the accessories so you know exactly what to do when and how.
  • How to change the batteries and dispose of them: For all but rechargeable units, regular battery changes are a fact of life. Good battery protocol is also essential to the longevity and good function of your device. To make sure you are happy with how to access the battery compartment and how to install the battery correctly, the hearing care specialist will help you to do the first change.
  • Routine care of the device: A little daily TLC to remove condensation and clean the ear molds will help your device work well on a day-to-day basis. In addition, simple tips like storing the device overnight in a dehumidifier can protect the delicate electrical components from condensation and ultimately rusting.

While getting your first hearing aids may seem a steep learning curve, know that you have help to make the change. Your hearing care provider is there to support you at every stage, of which the fitting appointment is just a part.