Do you feel anxious, not able to relax or sleep well? Hearing loss can be one of the many factors that contribute to anxiety. It’s important to remember anxiety is an internal feeling, and it cannot be seen by others; therefore, there are no visible signs when someone has this disorder. It’s estimated 40 million American adults aged 18 years and older have some form of anxiety disorder.


Several symptoms can occur when a person has anxiety. They include feeling restless or tense, having difficulty sleeping or concentrating, irritability, sweating more than usual, racing heartbeat and nausea. Some people with anxiety also show signs of depression.

Hearing loss can cause many of these same symptoms, which is why it’s so easy for someone experiencing them to jump to the conclusion that their hearing loss is causing their feelings of uneasiness and tension.


One possible cause of anxiety could be stress, especially if the person has had a history of this issue in the past. For some people, anxiety can be caused by a medical condition such as high blood pressure, epilepsy, thyroid problems and heart disease. Other factors that could lead to the development of this disorder are alcohol abuse, drug use and withdrawal from certain medications.

It’s important to contact a hearing instrument specialist (HIS) to test and identify whether your anxiety is caused by possible hearing loss.


As with any disorder, it’s best to see a professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan. The good news is that hearing loss can be treated successfully if caught early enough to prevent further decline.

Hearing loss is a very common condition that can affect anyone at any age. It’s caused by damage to the hair cells in the inner ear that vibrate and send sound signals to the brain. When these cells are damaged, they can’t transmit sound as well. This can lead to a gradual or sudden decline in hearing.

Hearing loss is not just a problem with your ability to hear sounds; it can also affect your ability to understand speech. This is especially true for people with mild or moderate hearing loss. It’s not surprising that when someone has hearing loss, they often feel anxious, frustrated and overwhelmed.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a hearing instrument specialist. A HIS is a professional who specializes in helping people with hearing loss. They can identify your specific type of hearing loss and suggest solutions that can help.

Long-term untreated hearing loss can lead to serious consequences, including social anxiety, depression, cognitive problems and an increased risk for dementia. A HIS will create a personalized treatment plan designed to improve communication in your daily life. The goal is to find the appropriate technology that will enhance your ability to hear better in everyday settings.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are simple electronic devices designed to amplify sound, so it’s easy for you to hear again. You may need them if you have mild or moderate hearing loss or if you don’t respond well to amplification through assistive listening devices (ALDs).

Today’s hearing instruments are smaller than ever before; some even fit inside your ear canal. There are many different styles to choose from, including:

  • In the ear (ITE)
  • Behind the ear (BTE)
  • In the canal (ITC)

All of these styles come in a variety of colors and sizes to match your personal style.

Test Your Hearing Regularly

Many people with hearing loss don’t even realize they have it because it can happen gradually over time. It’s important to get your hearing tested regularly and see a hearing instrument specialist if you are experiencing any symptoms of hearing loss.

A hearing instrument specialist at Armand’s Hearing Center will work closely with you and your general practitioners to determine the most effective treatment option. Contact a HIS today so they can evaluate your unique situation and answer any questions you might have regarding possible treatments.

There are several causes and risk factors that could cause someone to develop anxiety. If you do experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis, it’s important to contact a hearing instrument specialist.

They will ensure your hearing is treated properly so the negative feelings associated with it can be alleviated. Armand’s Hearing Center is the best place to go if you are experiencing anxiety or any signs of hearing loss. Call us today at 941-748-9800 in Bradenton or 813-938-1148 in Sun City!