When it comes to hearing aids, it is important to have the right expectations. Many people believe that hearing aids can restore one’s hearing, when in fact, the minute devices can only amplify sound loud enough for a person who has hearing loss to be able to recognize it. Nevertheless, hearing aids are highly advanced pieces of technology that help millions of Americans.

If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, the next step toward better hearing is a hearing aid fitting. This appointment lasts between one and two hours long, as it is important to leave your hearing healthcare professional’s office with comfortably fitting hearing aids and a full understanding of how to operate, maintain and clean them.

Fitting and testing

Upon arrival, the hearing healthcare professional will show you the basic ins and outs of your devices, such as how to turn them on, put them in, take them out and properly store them. Once you have them in, you will likely undergo one more round of testing. This test is called a real ear or probe microphone measure. The test determines the hearing aid’s accuracy and performance by measuring the sounds entering the hearing aids to see if they meet your hearing loss needs. During the test, you will be asked to respond to speech or a calibrated tone, often by raising your hand.

Adjusting to hearing aids

A hearing aid fitting is akin to an orientation session for your hearing aids. Before leaving the appointment you will understand how to:

  • Change and discard batteries
  • Use any advanced features, such as tinnitus therapy signals, T-coil or looping systems
  • Change programs, adjust volume and make any other non-automated adjustments
  • Clean and maintain your hearing aids
  • Program additional assistive listening devices, such as remotes

Your hearing healthcare professional will also give you supporting documentation, such as instruction manuals, warranties or insurance information. Additionally, you will leave armed with cleaning tools (and the knowledge of how to use them), a storage case and a supply of batteries.

Be prepared

Should you have any pending questions, the hearing aid fitting appointment is the perfect opportunity to get your answers. Asking questions will help you set the right expectations for your journey with hearing aids.