If you are at a point in life where you may be considering purchasing hearing aids, or if you would like to determine whether or not you have hearing loss, then there are a number of medical professionals that you may be considering visiting. Audiologists, ENT doctors and hearing instrument specialists are all professionals who may come to mind. If you are considering seeing a hearing instrument specialist, then you may be curious about their training and education. Here is a closer look at the training and education of a hearing instrument specialist.

1. High school education and on-the-job training

The vast majority of hearing instrument specialists possess at least a high school degree and on-the-job training. With on-the-job training, hearing instrument specialists learn all of the job skills they need to know from professionals in their field whom they work under. These professionals teach all of the relevant skills like how to perform hearing tests, how to analyze the results of hearing tests and how to select hearing aids for people with different levels of hearing aid loss.

2. College education

There are associate’s degrees and certification programs for people who want to become hearing instrument specialists. Many hearing instrument specialists go ahead and get these degrees to boost their level of professionalism. This makes them more appealing to employers, and it makes it easier for them to find jobs.

3. Board certification

Even with education and on-the-job training, hearing instrument specialists also become board certified. Getting board certified as a hearing instrument specialist requires additional study, and the passing of a certification process, which can be rigorous. Getting board certification is mark of the highest level of training and quality that a hearing instrument specialist can obtain. If you are looking to work with the best hearing instrument specialists available, then you should seek a board certified hearing instrument specialist for your hearing care. If you’re considering getting your hearing tested or are in the market for new hearing aids, consider visiting a hearing instrument specialist. You can locate a hearing instrument specialist in your area by searching the internet, asking family and friends or your general physician for recommendations. Once you select a hearing instrument specialist in your area, call the office to schedule an appointment and find out any important information you may need to bring.