When you’re shopping for hearing aids, there are a number of factors that you should consider. For example, you should consider the features that the hearing aid offers and its compatibility with your level of hearing loss. Style is also something that you should take a look at. There are many different hearing aid styles, and it is a good idea to look into them to try to figure out which one will be the best for you. 

Here is a look at some popular hearing aid styles.

In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids

ITC hearing aids are the smallest option when it comes to hearing aids styles. These hearing aids can fit entirely in your ear canal and they are essentially invisible, meaning unless someone is specifically looking for them, they will most likely not be able to tell that you are wearing hearing aids. ITC hearing aids are a great option for people who would like to conceal the fact that they are using hearing aids, and who do not have a large degree of hearing loss. If you fit in this category, then ITC hearing aids might be the best option for you.

In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids

ITE hearing aids are a good option for people with mild-to-severe hearing loss. These hearing aids are generally more powerful then ITC hearing aids. ITE hearing aids are composed of one unit that fits in the ear. ITE hearing aids either come as a full or a half shell option. These hearing aids are also significantly easier to handle without dropping than the smaller ITC hearing aids are.

Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids

BTE hearing aids are hearing aids that are made up of a small case that rests behind the ear. These hearing aids are connected to a part that goes in your ear to amplify sound. Typically, a tube connects the two parts. BTE hearing aids are more noticeable due to their larger size. However, they also tend to be stronger. So, they can be a better option for people with more severe hearing loss. Additionally, they can be ideal for small children or individuals with dexterity issues because they are easier to handle and adjust as needed.

Talk more with your hearing care professional to ensure you select the right hearing aid style for your hearing loss, lifestyle and budget needs. Your hearing specialist wants you to be happy with your hearing aid, so they have no problem answering questions or discussing any concerns you might have.