What is a hearing instrument specialist (HIS)? This is a very broad question with many answers. Simply put, a hearing instrument specialist is a person who has been trained to test hearing, as well as dispense or sell hearing aids. Though there is a lot more to what a hearing instrument specialist is. Let’s take a closer look.

Becoming a certified HIS

The certification process to become an HIS varies from state to state. While some HIS programs require a two-year degree, others include taking certification courses, an extensive amount of training with another hearing professional and state boards. And HIS is an expert when it comes to hearing aids, fitting hearing aids and device repairs.

What can an HIS do?

Once a person becomes a certified HIS, they specialize in dispensing hearing aids. When you go to a hearing instrument specialist for suspected hearing loss, they will perform a variety of tests to better understand what pitches or frequencies you struggle to hear. Hearing tests are an important part of the services an HIS performs, as it enables them to not only help treat your hearing loss, but provides the information needed to recommend, select and properly program your hearing aids.

In addition to testing for hearing loss and recommending a treatment option, an HIS is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to hearing devices. Because they extensively study dispensing hearing aids, they have a detailed understanding of which styles work best for their patients’ needs. An HIS is also an expert when it comes to programming and fitting your hearing aids, allowing them to tailor the device to your specific needs.

In the event you experience any issues with your hearing aids, an HIS is well versed when it comes to performing troubleshooting and repairs on your device. Hearing instrument specialists are also available to perform maintenance on your device, in addition to sending it out to the manufacturer should you experience any major problems.

Why should you select an HIS?

While there are different hearing care professionals to choose from to treat your hearing loss, you know you’re getting more when you select an HIS. Hearing instrument specialists will be with you to not only treat your hearing loss, but to help you pick out the right device for your lifestyle and needs, in addition to helping you keep your hearing aids in the best condition possible.