If you've noticed a difference in your hearing, it's time to make an appointment for a hearing test. It's a good thing to be proactive about your health, and some patients don't initially notice the decline in their hearing until they're turning their TV to the max volume and screaming "PARDON?" at their friends and family. The moment that you notice that your hearing is not the same as it was, you need to book that appointment. The worry is in what happens at a hearing test, but the best thing to do is to read as much as you can so that you can be prepared.

Procedures for a hearing test may vary from state to state, but the general idea of a hearing test with a hearing instrument specialist remains the same. Let's take a look at what you can expect from your very first hearing test.

Filling out forms

Every time you attend an appointment for a new medical issue, you are asked to fill forms. Dentists and optometrists do the same because each appointment is for a different reason. From one eye test to another, your eyesight will have declined; and so, you need to fill in some paperwork – just in case you have noticed a difference that requires help. The paperwork can allow your hearing instrument specialist to become as informed as possible about your ability to hear. The paperwork that you complete when checking into the clinic is going to help the hearing instrument specialist to get a good idea on what needs to be done during your hearing test. Here is some of the information you may need to provide:

  • Insurance information may be collected to determine if you qualify for any coverage, such as your hearing test.
  • You may also need to provide the hearing instrument specialist with a list of the symptoms you are experiencing and anything else that may contribute to your hearing loss.

Your ears will be looked at

Your hearing instrument specialist may use an otoscope to examine your ears; both inside and out. They may look inside your ears to determine if you have any kind of earwax buildup, which can contribute to temporary hearing loss.

You will have your hearing tested

There are many different ways that your hearing instrument specialist can perform a hearing test. They may use just one, or they may use all of these methods, but your hearing test will be specific to your needs. Some of the testings may include the following:

  1. Speech tests: These tests ask you to repeat particular sentences or words at different pitches and tones. Sometimes, background noise may be played to see what you can hear through the noise.
  2. Tone tests: These measure how softly you can hear certain tones. This is then charted on an audiogram.
  3. Pressure tests: These tests can check your eardrums and how they transmit sound. They also check the flexibility of the drum.

Results will be discussed

The beauty of hearing tests is that you will get instant results. There's no need for an agonizing wait for your results because they are charted during the appointment. There is every chance that your hearing instrument specialist will recommend that you return in six months, and in the meantime, they'll help you with hearing aids if they are required. Your hearing should improve, but if not, it's vital that you go back to your hearing instrument specialist ahead of your appointment time. They will be able to talk you through any issues with your hearing aids, adjust the settings or change them for a different type that may work better for you.

Hearing tests should be annual

The one thing that you should know about your hearing test is that it should be annual if you have hearing loss. The hearing test that you go for for the first time should last around an hour, as there are so many things that need discussion. Everything from your lifestyle to your health can affect your hearing, and it's essential to learn more about Armand's Hearing Center and call one of our convenient locations: Bradenton: 941-748-9800, Sun City: 813-938-1148.