The process of getting a hearing aid can take some time to ensure you get the right hearing aid for your needs. However, when the time comes, you need to be confident that your hearing aid is working well for you and is doing exactly what you need it to.

When you visit your hearing instrument specialist (HIS) to have a hearing aid fitted, a vital part of the process is to have the hearing aid programmed. Nevertheless, what exactly is involved in programming a hearing aid, and what do you need to know about this part of the process?

Why Is Programming Hearing Aids Important?

No two hearing aids are the same, and no two people experience hearing loss the same way. Your hearing aid will be custom fitted for your ear in the style you have chosen to wear. However, it is not as simple as having it fitted correctly so it is comfortable to wear. A hearing aid is a delicate technical instrument; as such, it needs to be finely tuned to your hearing.

This part of the process is one of the most important aspects of a hearing aid and must be overlooked. The programming of your hearing aid will allow the device to offer you the best level of hearing possible at a volume suitable for the hearing loss experienced by the wearer for the maximum benefit when wearing the hearing aid.

On top of this, modern hearing aids are equipped with many different features and functions, such as directional microphones, which allow you to block out noise from around you to concentrate on what you need to listen to. If your device is not appropriately programmed, this function will not be as beneficial to you.

How Is a Hearing Aid Programmed?

When your hearing instrument specialist fits your hearing aid, they will use various tools and technology to help them adjust the programming of the device. Some hearing aids will be preprogrammed to different settings, allowing your hearing instrument specialist to adjust them to the correct settings.

Hearing aids have more than one program; how many depends on your hearing aid. The default number of programs is three to five. Your hearing instrument specialist will then perform several tests to allow them to adjust the programs to find your optimal hearing level.

As hearing loss varies from person to person, a complex set of algorithms is used to achieve the best results using real-ear probe microphones, visible speech mapping (VSM) and real-ear measurements. To be able to program the hearing aid, it will be connected to an external computer to help simulate sounds and noises to help find the right setting.

They consider a person’s hearing deficiencies and problems and ensure that those deficiencies are properly compensated for.

Complex algorithms can be used to reduce noise and feedback, a new development in how this technology is used and applied. Feedback issues were common in the past, but this is no longer the case, thanks to new developments.

Your hearing instrument specialist will guide you through the programming of your hearing aid and ensure that the device fits your ear and is sitting comfortably before you leave your appointment.

Can I Self Program My Hearing Aid?

Changing the setting and adjusting the programming of a hearing aid is something many wearers can be tempted to do from time to time. This can be down to a change in external environments or being uncomfortable with the level of sound or feedback received in the device.

The last thing you should do is to change the setting or undo any work your hearing instrument specialist put into programming your hearing aid. All the different levels and settings need to be adequately balanced to work in conjunction with each other and changing one can render your hearing aid unusable. You will also run the risk of causing physical damage to your hearing casing or components, leading to a fix so you can use it again.

Suppose you are experiencing any difficulties with your hearing aid or need it reprogrammed. In that case, you should also book an appointment with your hearing instrument specialist, who can perform checks to find the problem and make sure your device is programmed correctly.

If you want to find out more about the process involved in programming your hearing aid or to have your hearing aid reprogrammed, you can contact us at Armand’s Hearing Center to find out more about what we do and how we can help you with your hearing queries: Call us today at Bradenton: 941-748-9800 or Sun City: 813-938-1148.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid programming